UX Writer, Content Designer
UW Medicine.org - COVID Hub
During the height of the COVID pandemic, UW Medicine had to develop COVID-related website content at a rapid pace. I recognized the need for a centralized entry point that would allow users to understand what UW Medicine had to offer — and how to find it.
Providing a centralized entry point for COVID-related content would help patients to discover and access UW Medicine COVID-related services.
What I did
I was the sole content strategist and writer.
We had many high-performing pages across the website, but their topics were disparate — from vaccines to testing to recovery to visitor policy. The common thread among these diverse pages was COVID itself, which became the unifying principle for the hub. Similar to the hub of a wheel, COVID would bring the user to the page (the hub), where they could discover the various spokes (content, services, policies, etc). I designed an information architecture informed by data from Google Analytics but flexible and high level enough to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by the pandemic. My mock-up was a low-fidelity version of the page below. Next up would have been card sorting to understand if these categories matched user expectations. But I transitioned from UW Medicine to Adobe before that could occur. Facing budget and resource constraints for user testing during the pandemic, my team decided to move forward with the design as I initially mocked it up. Though user testing would probably suggest some improvements, I am still proud of how we pulled together to support our patients during such an extraordinary time.